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Attend a seminar

Attend a seminar

Learn how to plan the retirement you want

We regularly run no-obligation educational seminars in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane.

These comprehensive 60-minute seminars are well known for providing clear and compelling information at no cost. They cover the two things that matter most when planning for retirement: how you structure your super and retirement savings, and how you invest those savings.

Seminar locations





5.45pm, Tue 27 August 2024

Raddison Blu Plaza Hotel

(Entrance on Pitt Street)

5.45pm, Thu 25 July 2024

Rialto South Tower

28, 525 Collins Street

What we cover in the seminar

Topics we cover include: 

  • the strategies available to meet your objectives 
  • how to set up a transition to retirement and make your super work 
  • tips and traps of investment  

You’ll get insights into how professional advice can make a big difference to your retirement. Register for a seminar now to find out how.

Who's talking

Our most experienced financial advisers walk you through real-life strategies that can boost your retirement income. If you’ve heard them speaking in our talk-back segments on 2GB, 3AW or 4BC you can expect to get the next level of detail at one of our seminars. 

Best of all, you can talk to our advisers, in-depth, after the presentation. 
Joel Harty – Senior Adviser and  Presenter

Joel has a wealth of experience having worked for some of Australia's largest super funds as well as start-up businesses. With over nine years experience as a financial adviser, he has excellent technical knowledge across super, tax structures and investment markets. He is also a Certified Financial Planner and Justice of the Peace. 

Alex Allenby – Associate Partner and  Senior Adviser 

Alex has over a decade of experience with Jacaranda Financial Planning, helping clients meet their financial objectives. He holds a number of academic qualifications, and his professionalism and passion ensure the client experience is at the highest level. This commitment to excellence has seen Alex peer awarded at the national level.

“Information that will support you to have a financially secure retirement” - Maria

"The wealth of information provided at the seminar is invaluable for anyone who has limited knowledge on super and is now preparing for retirement.

It reinforced the importance of super in building wealth and for many, it will play a key role in financing your retirement years. 

I highly recommend the seminars offered by Jacaranda Financial Planning as they provide the necessary information to gain an understanding of super and retirement planning in layman’s terms."


Take your next step

Attend an educational seminar today.